The managing organ of the National Bank of Cambodia is the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board). The Governor of NBC shall be Chairman of the Board. The Board consists of seven members, including the Governor, the Deputy Governor and five other members, one being a representative of the head of the Royal Government, one a representative of the Ministry of Economiy and Finance, one a member from the real economy, one a representative of academy and one a representative of the National Bank staffs.
CHAIRMAN H.E. CHEA CHANTO Governor of National Bank of Cambodia
H.E. NEAV CHANTHANA Deputy Governor of National Bank of Cambodia
H.E AUN PORNMONIROTH Representative of Head of the Royal Government
H.E CHOU KIMLENG Representative of Ministry of Economy and Finance
H.E IV THONG Representative of Academy
Mr. LAY MENGSUN Representative from Private Sector
Mrs. MAO SON Representative of National Bank Staffs