Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Khmer Culture and Tradition

Traditional arts and crafts are abundant in Cambodia. Scuptures., paintings and curving done with great care and attention. One can view such antiquities in market place, shop or museum. The variety of arts and crafts are large in range and include such item as: silver and gold jewellery, wicker were furniture, fine hard wood furniture, silks, marble sculptures, high quality China, leather ware and much more. There is a sharp eye for detail here and much of the products will be intricately carved especially the furniture, sculptures etc.
Unfortunately, much of these works completely ceased to exist during the Khmer Rouge dictatorship. Artisans ware instead forced to work in labour camps, where most of them died painful deaths. Many arts and crafts also purposely perished during that time.
Today there has been a revival, due to a great deal of restoration work, which has been initiated by the Royal governments of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Now many centers have been established to keep the ancient methods of the craftwork alive. You can see examples of this throughout the country.
Today there has been a revival, due to a great deal of restoration work, which has been initiated by the Royal governments of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Now many centers have been established to keep the ancient methods of the craftwork alive. You can see examples of this throughout the country.